It may come to you as no surprise that society evolves. It adapts, and changes, and then changes again.
With this change comes modifications to culture, traditions and our value frameworks. For a lot of us this adaptation doesn’t feel so seamless. Particularly when thinking about the South Asian, and other Asian communities we can recognize that their rich culture and tradition have withstood the test of time - remaining unshaking and central to the experience of Asians as a whole.
However, with that comes the struggle to reconcile the discordance between modern values and our traditional anchors. Blending cultural norms with modern expectations can provide a framework that encourages personal growth, social cohesion and a closer understanding of our cultural roots. This blog will highlight the importance of both traditional and modern values, and will offer guidance on how to reconcile the difference between the two to create psychological, sociological and spiritual harmony within oneself.
A Note: This article is written by Prerna Menon who is a therapist that specializes in working with the South Asian community. Prerna, along with our other South Asian therapists are here to help you navigate this unique and delicate balance.
Traditional Values & Their Importance
Traditional values often form the bedrock of any society. They lay the foundation for culture and meaning-making, offering a sense of continuity, and identity. These values encompass practices, rituals, beliefs and customs that are passed down through the generations. Often significantly influencing behaviors - individual and collective. A research paper published in the Revue Française de Sociologie found that traditional vLues are foundational to maintaining social cohesion, predictability, and stability by creating a sense of community and belonging (Smith, 2008). These values typically prioritize the value in family, respect for elders and the vulnerable, and communal creation and support, fostering a harmonious and blended society.
Modernization & Why We Need It
As outlined previously, traditional values form the bedrock of society, while modernization bolsters progress, innovation and adaptive change. Modern values often champion technological and manufacturing advancement, individualism, and liberalism when it pertains to social norms and behaviors. Ivy Panda (2003) describes how modernization has resulted in necessary improvements in healthcare, enhanced quality of life, prolonged the human life-span, and diversified education. Embracing and inviting modernization into society allows individuals to adapt to an every-changing environment and social climate, and pursue individual goals. Recalling evolution, we have learned that adaptation is necessary and required for survival.
Why Integration Can Be Challenging
I would be remiss if I said the integration of modern and traditional values was easy. It is not, and one must expect challenges when navigating this for themselves. However, these challenges are not roadblocks but merely winding roads that with a little curiosity, patience and empathy can be overcome successfully. We often fear that blending the two may lead to an internal sense of conflict - creating a sense of cultural dissonance - where our modern ideals clash with our traditional values leaving us feeling stuck and pressured to pick one over the other This may manifest into feelings of anxiety, depression and overwhelm. Some research conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta also indicates that the rapid pace of globalization has in certain instances eroded traditional cultural practices (Hadi, 2008; Zhang, 2011). This research further highlights the need for a balanced, paced, and steady integration of these 2 polarized perspectives.
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values." (Ayn Rand (1988). “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z”, p.213, Penguin).
Education As An Agent For Balance
Diversity in education plays a crucial role in blending contemporary and traditional values. By including traditional teachings and modern advancements into educational curriculum, we can equip the younger generation with a holistic and integrative lens of the world. Isolating individuals from education pertaining to either perspectives deprives them of a colorful picture of the world. An approach like this encourages individuals to respect tradition and culture, while also engaging in adaptability, and critical thinking. According to research published in the Journal of Intercultural Studies, incorporating multicultural and diverse education can foster a more inclusive, accepting, and welcoming society (Banks, 2009).
The Power of Family And Community
Families and communities serve as the central transmitters of cultural and traditional values, while also operating as the primary environment in which we encounter modern influences. Making them an instrumental force in seamlessly blending traditional and contemporary values in order to create a balanced value system. As a therapist, I often encourage open dialogue amongst family members on the topic of contrasting modern and traditional values between the generations. What may be traditional to you, may become your parents' modern ideal and vice versa. This sort of dialogue creates mutual understanding, empathy, and deeper relationships.
Understanding The Value of Integration
Successfully integrating modern and traditional values can greatly impact one's sense of self, self-esteem, self-confidence, and personal development. Modern ideals stress innovation, independence, creativity, self-expression, and personal agency, while traditional values stress moral integrity, strong ethics, respect, and a sense of duty. All of the aforementioned are necessary ideals that, if integrated fully, can produce a well-rounded person that is rooted in their cultural makeup while also demonstrating adaptability to modern challenges and changes.
Concluding With An Exercise For You To Try
By harnessing the power of education, community, and family, you will find yourself happier and whole.If you desire personal growth, and a deeper appreciation of your culture, while also valuing a kinder, and more harmonious society, I encourage you to pause after reading this blog. Take a minute to note down your personal values by exploring the things that drive you. Once done, categorize them - which of your values feel like they have a traditional influence and which of your values have a modern influence? You will learn that you have already begun this process of integration. If certain values stick out and feel like they hold friction, set an intention for integration. Ask yourself what the middle-ground can be, and what you can do to honor both parts of you, instead of abandoning one value altogether. By holding space for the individual parts of you that make you whole - I promise you will find yourself experiencing a profound sense of catharsis. Take this moment as your first day to begin, you won’t regret it.
Summarizing What You Can Take From Both Traditional Values and Modern Values
Step 1
• Traditional values form the bedrock of any society.
• They offer continuity and identity through generations.
• These values emphasize family, respect, and communal support.
• They foster social cohesion, stability, and a sense of belonging.
• Traditional values influence behaviors, both individual and collective.
• They create a foundation for culture and meaning-making.
Step 2
Step 3
Hadi, S. (2008). Globalization and Its Impact on Cultural Identity. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Retrieved from https://eprints.ums.ac.id/7132/1/A320040379.PDF
IvyPanda. (2023). Traditional Culture and Modernisation. Retrieved from https://ivypanda.com/essays/traditional-culture-and-modernisation/

Prerna Menon
Specialties: survivors of childhood sexual abuse & incest survivors, existential crisis, race-based stress, gender identity & sexuality-related conflicts, cross-cultural issues, addiction, international students, family issues & acculturation

Sam Urell
Specialties: complex trauma, addiction, relationships/attachment, LGBTQIA+ identity issues & exploration, existential crisis, men's mental health, anxiety, mood/emotional dysregulation, psychedelic integration
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